We'd like to thank our loyal friends that visited our blog on a regular basis. As a group we've decided that we no longer want to post work on a weekly basis but on our own personal schedules. We plan on continuing with the site as more of a reference place for our work than a working weekly blog. Please continue to check in once in a while to see if we've posted new work and always visit our galleries to see what work is still for sale.Thank you for all of your support over the past year.
-Quarterlife Artists

Sunday, September 9, 2007

It's about time!

Allergy season is here and apparently in my "old age" I have become susceptible to the pollen etc floating in the air. I apologize for this post being a day late, but I was under the weather and doped up on antihistamines, which put me to sleep. I've never really looked forward to winter, but a nice coat of snow to cover all the dust would be welcome right now!

As for the painting... I had a few different ideas for what to paint for this series, but I have been promising my little sister to do a "housewarming" painting for her since she moved in to her new place. That was before Christmas! So this series of four is going to bring the completion of her housewarming gift. Hopefully it will also serve as an apology for my cat knocking her last betta fish (bowl and all) out of the window!

More bright colors ahead!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I, too, wait for snow. Not to cover the pollen, but to cool the earth so that I perhaps have fewer "power flashes!" A nice pair of jeans and a comfy T-shirt sound so cozy. I'm tired of sweating it out in a tank top and shorts!

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!