We'd like to thank our loyal friends that visited our blog on a regular basis. As a group we've decided that we no longer want to post work on a weekly basis but on our own personal schedules. We plan on continuing with the site as more of a reference place for our work than a working weekly blog. Please continue to check in once in a while to see if we've posted new work and always visit our galleries to see what work is still for sale.Thank you for all of your support over the past year.
-Quarterlife Artists

Pastel on paper
What a lovely bluebird. You must have been inspired by our visit to Wild Birds for new feeders. Winter is a great time to enjoy the birds while most of nature seems to be sleeping. Beautiful!
This is great, one of the best Yet!! Dad
This is a gorgeous bluebird! I love birdwatching and this would be a welcomed sight! Very nice picture.
I really love this one too Abbey.I would buy it, but I'm afraid I wont find a frame to fit it.Keep up the good work!
I didn't mean that comment to sound snooty. I reall meant that you're doing a great job.k
I love the bluebird. The picture reminded me of the comming winter (I think it is the pale background). One of my favorite things about winter is the bright splash of color and motion that birds present against the pale of winter. I remember our bird feeder as a young lad. My mom always had fantastic birds.
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