Another busy weekend..... Had guests and didn't really get much art completed, but I did manage to start a few things for other folks.
I really think I'm bad at abstract art. I mean really abstract art. I don't have the right feel for the composition like I do with realy objects.Something that I must work on.
-Quarterlife Artists
Monday, February 25, 2008
Lots o stuff
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Kristen Carter
Sunday, February 24, 2008
the Axolotl
This creature is an Axolotl or "Mexican Walking Fish". The Axolotl is an amphibian, more specifically, a salamander. But, he's kind of like a fish... and kind of like a cartoon. He reminds me of a Pokemon! haha.
So, with that... have a good week!
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Saturday, February 23, 2008
This is another portrait of my beautiful grandma when she was young. She passed away 15 years ago but her presence still remains as well as sweet memories. This was her birthday and she would've been 80. I wonder sometimes what she would be like and what she'd think of me now if she were still around. This portrait was done in light washes of color on purpose. I'm currently finishing my tulips painting for a good friend this week. I think you will see more tulips in the future because I love looking at them and I like what they represent--they are one of the first flowers of spring.
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Abbey Adams
Monday, February 18, 2008
Don't you just live for your weekends?Friday is my favorite day of the week, hands down!Last friday I had a weird freak lower back problem and had to stay in bed for almost three days straight.Not good.I hate wasting my weekend days since that is the time I get 'stuff' done.Believe me I snuck stuff in...a load of grooming...this silly little pig painting.Again, two weeks in a row of some of my, shall we say-lowbrow work- is all I have for you.Little piggy made me feel better though.Sometimes, as long as art makes you feel good then I think it has served its purpose.Please feel free to browse our gallery pages for other works.Find the links below our names on the left side of the page.
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Kristen Carter
Saturday, February 16, 2008
I've been working on this painting for quite a long time, putting it away when I didn't like the direction it was going in, picking it back up and spending a lot of time with it. I think it's quite close to completion now, a few splotches here and there and I will be satisfied. This is a commissioned piece for a friend of mine, one of the few photos of him and his had been Photoshoped a bit-a "claw" hand put in, a few old cars and some people edited out or covered with grass. It's really a special painting and I hope it turns out just the way I would like. The colors in this picture aren't the best so I may try posting a better shot later on.
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Abbey Adams
Monday, February 11, 2008
Featured Blogger: TimChi
I am a freelance writer with particular interest in Michigan travel, food and wine, literature, and Notre Dame Football. After earning my MFA in creative writing this past May, I moved to Dublin, Ireland, where I worked in the online gaming industry, both as a writer and semi-professional poker player. I recently returned to my home state of Michigan to live with my fiancé, fellow guest artist, Colby Davis. I also returned to travel the Great Lakes State. I started Great Lakes Guru to journal my travels and dining experiences in our great state. My hope is to garner reader feedback on unique or interesting Michigan destinations, and eventually use the blog as a jumping point for a travel guide to Michigan. I hope you enjoy, and please leave your suggestions, compliments, or complaints.
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Kristen Carter
Sunday, February 10, 2008
diving in deep
On Tuesday I was in Chicago for about 16 hours. I went for a workshop for work on becoming a Management Coach. While there the airport shut down due to the weather, and I got to kill several long, slightly painful, hours sitting in the airport food court with my old store manager. But some good came out of it too. Deedee pointed out to me that I am really not a "lifer" in the retail world.
She pointed out to me that I have been letting work cloud my real life and that I'm not living my life the way a 25 year old single person should. I'm not having fun, I'm not making mistakes, I'm not living life on the edge. She also reminded me that I care about the world in a much bigger way. That I really care about, and feel I can change and have an impact on national and global issues in a way that most people don't.
So then I was in the shower tonight and I was thinking to myself about a promise of sorts I made just after Christmas. I kind of vowed to myself that I would never work another Christmas in retail. Because, honestly, it killed me a little inside this year. It took some things away from me deep down inside, and I don't ever want that to happen again. So I was thinking about if I start putting away a little more in my savings account I could quit my job around mid-November and go after my art full time.
While shampooing I was thinking about how I am close enough to Detroit and Ann Arbor that I could start getting into the Gallery circuit, get out, meet people, see what's happening. And then I could spend December/January/February just painting and painting and painting and be ready for spring and summer art festivals. And that's when it hit me... I don't want to sell art for a living. I don't want to do it at all. I really like this little website, and I really like selling a few pieces to family and friends... but it's still retail. And it's worse, because at work I'm just selling clothes. With my art, I'm selling little pieces of myself. I don't want to compromise and paint things that will sell as opposed to things that I am interested in. This was a pretty huge moment for me.
Now sure, figuring out what you don't want to do next is a long tedious path towards figuring out what you do want to do. But it seems to be the only path that is working right now, so I'm going to stick with it. I'll keep listing things I don't want to do until I figure out exactly what it is I do want to try. Hopefully the list will be narrowed down by November.... but maybe just working on the list will make getting through another holiday in retail possible. Only time will tell.
As for my artwork this week, it's a drawing that is taped up to the wall in my living room. I did it my senior year of high school. A transfer student from California brought in this bronze with plastic holly wrapped around it. That was also the first day I ever saw a blood orange, and I was the only person at our table willing to try it. (They're now my favorite). I chose this piece because to me it holds on to that courage. I was drawing a nude in a high school classroom, while eating a blood orange that horrified all my friends.
Maybe by this time next year I'll be sitting on my deck in California, eating fresh oranges from the local farmer's market, thinking back about when I was trying to figure out what to do next.
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My post this week is not the most technical or complex thing I've ever painted.I like penquins though, and I have this little quilted piece of fabric with these awesome little penguins, so I decided to paint them.I know, it's cutesy.So forgive me for my lack of complexity in my work this week.Please feel free to search older pieces of work in each of our galleries located to the left of the page, under "contributors".Spread the word!
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Kristen Carter
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Pet Pals
I'm sneaking my piece in a little late. I've been spending my days walking dogs and pet sitting in between coffee slinging. At first I wanted to pick up a few extra bucks and have always liked animals but now it's what I look forward to the most. One of my favorites is new this month, an 11-year-old french bulldog named Mitzi. She's one of the funniest quirkiest dogs I've ever met and so I wanted to draw her.
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Abbey Adams
Monday, February 4, 2008
well then
Alright, as promised, my actual painting for this week. It's an abstract, but I'm not sayin' what of because I think it's nicer as is. This photo doesn't do the color justice, so I will try again soon to try to get the colors a little better. I also haven't decided exactly which side will be up...
Thanks for all the attention! See ya next week!
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Rock Stars
It's been a long week/end. I agree with's Superbowl weekend and I think I'll post something that is older work.Though, I was really getting sick of hearing about stupid Tom Brady, so I was kind of cheering for NY.Sorry Rach.
Can I just end my blog entry with a funny story about this weekend and then just call it a post?Nate,my mom, my uncle, and I went to the DIA yesterday.We had a really great time seeing the new arrangement of the collection.As we were leaving we decided to make a quick stop in the Dutch Masters room.Nate grabbed my arm and said, "Do you see that guy over there?".I turned around and Marilyn Manson starring intensly at some Dutch work.So....I told my mom who quickly told my uncle.My uncle went right up to him and had a little conversation(the three of us ran around the corner to hide).Anyway, he didn't really admit to being who he was but we did pass the Filmore and he is performing tonight according to their sign.I don't know too many other guys who look like Manson, have a cane, top hat and platform shoes....
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Kristen Carter
Sunday, February 3, 2008
I could have sworn I posted this last week. I certainly thought I did. Oh well. This painting was my Christmas gift to Abbey. Again, very different than the one I did for Kristen, but fun none the less. It being Superbowl tonight, I think I'm going to just post this and then post my painting for this week on Monday.
Go Patriots!
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