-Quarterlife Artists
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Featured Artist: Sara Alman
If I had to describe myself artistically in a few sentences I would have to say that I am a stained glass/graphic design/bowling pin/what ever pops into my demented head/"I do what I want" artist. I am currently going to school for digital layout, digital illustration, web design, and multi media at Macomb Community College, and also have a bachelors degree from Wayne State for Art Education. I'd like to take this opportunity to send a very special thank you out to my good friend Johnnie Walker, without which none of my work would have been possible.
To contact Sara about her work, you can email her at: brokenglass329@comcast.net
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Abbey Adams
Hi blog readers.Sorry I'm late getting work up this week. My computer is acting up and then I just haven 't had a lot of time getting this piece I'm working on completed.If I can't get it going soon I'll post something else asap!
I started my job at Pewabic Pottery yesterday.It's going ok. It's so much better than the trucking company...it's much more relaxed and interesting. It's a lot of hard work though. I'm literally hand pressing clay into mold to make tiles for 8 hours. I made 47 tiles yesterday and they told me 7 were bad and had to be broken up. They want me to be making 100 a day.yikes.
We'll see how it goes today.Thanks for haning in with us bloggers while we work out our technical difficulty and life difficulty.
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Kristen Carter
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Off to Indianapolis
Tomorrow I am flying out to Indianapolis for two weeks to open a new H&M store! How exciting. But it is all also very last minute!
I was working to get this purple button done, but it is the most interesting button and I can't get the holes to look right. I will work on it more when I return in two weeks. Until then, look forward to a drawing from the nation's largest city next sunday night. :)
And I worked more on the pink button.... still want to do some shading in the background I think....
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Falling Behind
This week was the last of 3 sessions I was teaching about celtic art--something I knew nothing about before. I feel relieved that it's over, but really proud of myself for doing it and gaining so much. The process made me miss school-- having projects, scrambling to get them done in time and the feeling of having achieved something that was set up as a challenge for me. So now I'm on to more challenges...working on a new piece that I started as a drawing, scrapped and have started again as a painting. Plus, I'm slowly finishing up my tulips too. Lots to do, wish me luck!
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Abbey Adams
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
sad day.
Well, Monday was a typical Monday. I was exhausted after having attended a late night art seminar Thursday and then closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday at work. I was going to go to work 8-5, take a quick nap and finish my painting. It being Monday, some guy rear-ended my car and I spent an hour waiting on the side of the road for the police to come.
By the time I got home I was in no mood for painting. I figured I would put it off just a little big longer and go to bed, but get up early and paint and post Tuesday morning before anyone missed me. I have been struggling to get rid of this cold, which may have turned into a sinus infection, and I was up and down all night coughing, with an ear ache, and a head ache, and I finally fell asleep around 5am.
Needless to say, I barely woke up in time to go to my dentist appointment today! Then I came home and took a 5 hour nap. Now I have started my painting and straightened the house a bit. But I'm exhausted and I'm going to go to bed and finish this painting tomorrow. (HOPEFULLY!) I'm working off an inspiration from a Kurt Halsey painting (called For Sleep's Sake of course), and I may do stars or polka dots or something in the background... I've put them in and painted them out twice so far. haha! So, look for this painting to be finished soon, and for the LAST button in about a week. Thank you all for coming to my pity party, I do feel a little better getting it off my chest!
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Monday, October 22, 2007
2D vs.3D
Well, I've found yet another new job. I'll be starting at Pewabic Pottery in downtown Detroit, making sad money but getting benefits.Yet another reason it's tough being a grownup.I'm sure this job will be an adventure...a little two dimensional artist trying to make it in a three dimensional world.I hope they don't eat me up and spit me out like the trucking company.
I'm sure that I'm giving just an awful impression of someone who quites jobs like she changes chewing gum...but really people, up until this point I never quite jobs willy nilly.
Anyway, I hope you like my little green tea sorbet. It's little and sweet. I swear there is nothing better than frozen desserts served with little cookie hats.
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Kristen Carter
Monday, October 15, 2007
Featured Artist: 3x5 photography / Danny Gorman
From the Beginning , he's had a camera in his hand. 24and still learning he reaches for perfection on every level. Living in Sandusky, Ohio, perfecting his craft 3x5 photography otherwise known as Danny Gorman has been in production for three years. Doing photography with a different eye than any other photographer. Never a standard shot. Never a missed opertunity. Striving to be a photojournalist. He loves photographing weddings, concerts, architecture, and creative portraits.
With a strong theater background, he enjoys coming up with new age ideas for his models to take pictures with. Never a boring wedding as he seeks opportunities to take new photos. He engulfs himself with a tonal images. He learns something new with every photo that he takes.
Traveling is his second love. Snapping in numerous states and soon to be countries. Simply put 3x5 is finding its way on the map and itsnot going any place any time soon.
Check out more work on Flickr.
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Quarterlife Artists
Fruits and Flowers
This painting was done a little while ago but I wanted to post it because it was a gift for my mom and I haven't posted it anywhere before. This week I'm still working on my tulips, they are taking long because of the size and detail. Usually the longer I work on a piece the more I start to dislike the way it's looking but the tulips are actually growing on me more (pardon the pun). This week I was pretty sick too but am feeling a lot better and am looking forward to finishing the tulips and starting the next gift!
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Abbey Adams
Being a Grownup
So some of you might recognize this painting. It's not new, I wont lie. But it does meet my theme requirements and sometimes you need to bring out an old favorite to share it with new people. Not to mention my new job has me miserable and short on time.I promise a new piece next week. Yeah, so I really kind of hate my job. Now that it has officially passed the two week mark Iam allowed to make a judgement as per my friend Colby's rules.It's ok I guess, it's about as exciting and interesting as math class. Believe me I hate math class-I think this job might even be worse. I don't mean to complain, but this sight is my creative outlet and I hope you other art appreciators will give me a sympathetic break. I need to find a new job asap. I hate being a grownup sometimes.If I were ten years old I'd quite tomorrow.
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Kristen Carter
Well I'm just over half way done with my vacation, and I've caught a cold. I have a stuffy nose and a sore throat, but then also those body aches that you get when you have the flu. I'm determined to only have a cold, but my body seems like it's fighting to have more. :P
send healthy thoughts my way!
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
My theme is really just making artwork that I wanted to make as gifts, unfulfilled promises to people. The first piece is for my roommate of 3 years at Adrian College, Lindsay, and her new husband Chris. They got married in December and I've started three different paintings for them as their wedding present, all of which got painted over after getting frustrated. I wanted to make something sweet yet simple, something that reminded me of love, growth, and elegance. I think these tulips are going to come out nicely and I really hope they like them. Lindsay put up with a tiny dormroom stuffed with art projects, paint and charcoal covering the floor---I'm happy to give her a finished product. Since this piece is bigger than what I've been working with, it's taking me longer. This has been a crazy week for me too, between going to Adrian for the weekend, working really hard on a Celtic art class that I had to teach at my church, walking dogs and much more. Check back for the finished piece in the next day or two!
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Abbey Adams
Red Tulips
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Abbey Adams
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
I want a new.....
I've got cabin fever with my life. If that makes sense. I want something new, but I don't know what it is. I am just bored. Perhaps stuck in a rut. I think the real issue is that I need a new challenge, but I don't know what to go after. I don't know if I want to really put my all into this web business and make it happen, or if I want to put it into my "real" job and go for a promotion. I don't know if I want to put it into myself and get my diet and exercise back on track. Or do I put it into my house and create a perfect little sanctuary? Am I ready to put it into trying to find someone to be in a relationship with?
I just know that I am not feeling challenged right now. Or at least, I don't have any challenges that I particularly want to follow up on. I'm on vacation for a week so hopefully that will help me refresh, recharge, and get out of my run. I need to get my eyes focused on what I have going right for me, and maybe then I'll be able to take on all these challenges at once.
As for my little red button, I think I'll be working on it more. The colors are too intense right now. I want to dull down the background with a little black/grey/brown and get into the button with some more specific detail. I think I want it to take on the feeling of a real Portrait of a button... When I came up with this idea I thought I wanted to paint "huge" buttons on the canvas so that it looked abstract and was just big bands of color. I may go back to that, I may not. We shall see.
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Sunday, October 7, 2007
What's up with the weather?
This hot weather is really getting in the way of me enjoying fall time. It's hard to posititve with you're sweating your makeup off in October. Seems that's going to be changing this week though. Well, it's the start of a new theme of work this week, and I have chosen food. I love food. I love painting food. Though this isn't one my best works in my opinion, it's something fun and playful.
I had a chance to visit with old friends this weekend and they've given me a lot of inspiration for my art. It's possible that in the near future the quarterlife artists might have an exhibition somewhere so we'll defenitly keep you posted.Also, thanks everyone for the support about my new job. It's kind of awful so far, but training is hard and everyone is very nice,so hopefully I can manage it until I find my next big career.
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Kristen Carter