Pastel on paper
*includes s/h
Abbey, Kristen, and Rachel are twenty-something artists trying to find their way through the world. This blog is one of their attempts to organize their thoughts, struggles, and artwork and connect to the world at large.
I decided to take our "abstract" assignment all the way to non-representational. I think it's a pretty interesting piece. It can be interpreted in so many ways. Maybe it's a funnel cloud about to touch down. Maybe it's two pieces about to come together... or perhaps two pieces that seem like they should go together but for some reason they never quite seem to fit.
I certainly had some deep thoughts while painting. I hope get as much while viewing.
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I'm enjoying the abstract this week. It's loose, it's flowey...is that a word?I looking for the next big body of work that I'll focus on and I'm feeling very interested in the abstract or loose style of painting. I guess all of those people that got famous using this style knew something that I've been avoiding all of these years.
Anyway, keep your eye open for our first feature artist next week. This will be someone who isn't one of the original three, and they'll be featuring whatever medium of art that they work in.
Keep spreading the word and thank you for reading and viewing!
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Kristen Carter
Hello friends,
It's been a crazy week of frappuccinos and cinnamon dolce lattes. Tomorrow I'm going to drive to New Jersey with my sister to help her get settled back into her place there after being home for the summer and hopefully check out the Jersey shore (it sounds like an MTV special, I know). I thought I could post some new stuff up before I head out but I really haven't been able to set aside a chunk of time to finish. I will be back in town on Tuesday so look then for at least one more Pentwater piece and something else within our new topic. Take care and thanks again for stopping by!
P.S. Since I've got to return her 'Felicity' DVD's I've had to do a marathon tonight...a quote that I liked from the show...
"Don't throw away an opportunity to become a more interesting person out of fear."
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Abbey Adams
Corn is a vegetable after all.
I needed something a little more familiar this week. Something warm and comfortable to paint. And corn is my comfort image. If you click on this one you get a HUGE close up, because I think the details in this painting are what make it so amazing. It's small but powerful.
And it's hard to tell if it's lonely being out there, or comfortable. And that pretty much sums up how I felt while working on this painting. I'm just not sure where I am sometimes.
I hope you like it as much as I do!
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I like miniature things. There is something irresistable about mini chairs, Eiffel Towers, animals, etc. I know it's a little off of my "small still life" theme, but sometimes it's nice to revisit old favorites. Speaking of old and new things, I'm very exicted by our poll responses, so thanks to everyone who was kind enough to give us your input.We'll be discussing what's the new theme for the next few weeks very soon.Keep checking in with us!
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Kristen Carter
After a much needed and loved vacation, I'm back home again. My apologies for lack of posting lately. My week long trip in Pentwater was exactly what I needed; I painted, took lots of photos and got inspired again. I am making up the missed pieces while I was gone, so check back the next few days for more.
This piece is a drawing of a blue gill, the fish my grandpa and I caught in his little fishing boat on Bass Lake. Although I haven't been fishing in a long time I can still remember how it felt. We woke up really early when it was still cold outside, put on sweatshirts (so big I was swam in mine), attached his boat to the back of his car and pulled out of the gravel driveway. I remember the foam that formed at the edge of the lake where we backed his boat into the water, the smell of fish and seaweed and trees, trying to hook my wriggly live worm onto my line without poking my fingers and the excitement of watching my bobber go down if I had a bite. Sometimes we threw them back, sometimes we threw them in a plastic bucket that sat out on the deck of the cottage til he gutted them and cooked them for dinner and sometimes, breakfast.
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Abbey Adams
The thing I really like about this painting is that I used matte medium on the pear and gloss medium on the background so when you get close the background is shiney and the pear is softer. I also am a big fan of the visible brush strokes. I know pears aren't a vegetable, but the selection at Meijer this week just wasn't speaking to me. I will Google a farmer's market so I have something "jucy" for next week! haha.
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I love shoes! Shoes can make you feel a thousand different ways. Though I think mens shoes are kind of an enigma for me. I think it's strange how they can own about three pair and be happy....I don't think they've been exposed to the possibilities of the shoe world.You can tell a lot about a guy by his shoes. You should take some time today and look at the feet of men around you...what are they tellin' ya? My dad used to wear his slippers to take us to school and to the store.I don't think I know what that means, but it's funny in retrospect.So anyway, my painting this week is a little bit of an ode to men.
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Kristen Carter
Painting these tomatos was fun. I wanted them to look a little more comic book/pop art rather than specifically realistic. I was excited to throw down some bright crayola colored red and green. The black shadow goes against so much of what I was taught, but I really like it.
I might play with it to make it even a little more coloring book, but I may leave it as is. I also revisited the green beans and I feel better about them now. I think they're really done.
Next week I might go all out and try to do some lettuce. It's crisp and fresh and wonderful. But I keep psyching myself out when I look at it. Maybe I'll end up doing something easier instead? Or perhaps a still life of multiple vegetables???
I guess we'll see soon enough!
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I have a collection of vintage dishes that I think are just fabulous. This is one of the shakers that goes to the set. The dishes come in five different pastel colors and they're are just happy.I love the retro designs and swirls on each piece.If you're going to use salt, why not get it from a neat shaker?
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Kristen Carter