My next four paintings will be vegetables. It's summer and light crisp garden greens and fresh vegetables sound perfect. I hope to work more on the green beans and my computer and get this show on the road!!!
-Quarterlife Artists
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Theme: Pentwater
My theme for the next few pieces is going to be related to Pentwater, Michigan. It's a small town on Lake Michigan, just south of Ludington, that my family and I spent a lot of time at. My grandparents built a small cottage in the birch trees that we vacationed in every summer (and a few winters) since I was little and I have lots of memories from. Since my grandma passed away almost seven years ago, we haven't gone as much because it feels a little empty. My art will be reflections of things I remember, did, saw, and felt while "up north." From spending days at the beach building sand castles, eating corn on the cob, going fishing with my Jaja, and watching the Scotville Clown Band play, I miss and love Pentwater. My first drawing is of the S.S. Badger, a car ferry that docks in Ludington and makes the trip across Lake Michigan to Manitowoc, Wisconisin. I remember how enormous and almost scary that ship looked to me, floating in the water, bobbing up and down.
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Abbey Adams
My theme for the next four paintings is going to be "small still lifes". Ultimately, it's the same as the first theme we had chosen at the start of the blog.I like painting still lifes.They're like a little window into my life.Especially since they're of items that I own and are in my home.
That's what I know.
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Kristen Carter
Monday, July 23, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
T-shirt quote:
Had it been an actual life
you would have received instructions
on where to go and what to do.
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Rhino Beetle
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
A Little Art Therapy
So I think my bug painting sums up my week.As an "almost art therapist" I was trained in breaking down the meaning in art works and its looking kind of messy for me.Still no real job.I did a little babysitting not only do I feel unemployed, I feel like a high schooler.Those were my prime babysitting years.Anyway, I was feeling like having a "walmart priced " piece of art for all of those other unemployed babysitters out there.
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Kristen Carter
Sunday, July 15, 2007
To Sell, or Not to Sell
When choosing what to paint and post I find myself constantly tormented. I have to decide, do I paint something because I want to, or do I paint something because I want to sell it? An odd question? Not really.
Who wants to pay $30 for a painting of a banana peels' untimely demise? Not very many people, that's who. But, that was a photo that I had taken about two years ago and it meant a lot to me. It was a learning experience, in that you should NEVER but banana peels down the garbage disposal. It was taken back when Dena and I were still friends. It was while I was still in college, paying rent off student loans. (Life was GREAT back then.)
Now I don't really like radishes. They smell funny, they taste weird, and they look a little awkward. However, every single time I have painted radishes, people have gone CRAZY for them. Why? Because a dainty painting of radishes brings life to your otherwise mundane kitchen. And all your friends may have a print from the store, but now yours is an original artwork.
So, what should I paint? How do I walk the line between what means something to me and what will help pay the rent. To sell, or not to sell... that is the question.
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Thursday, July 12, 2007
Still Looking...
I'm still looking for my new favorite career and it's going slowly.It's amazing the things you can find to do when your home all day though. I've been reorganizing files, cleaning A LOT, grooming and talking to my cats-yes talking, painting, emailing, blogging, etc. I should probably take Rachel's advice and go to Meijer to take it all in.But then I would want to spend money and that's bad.To be continued...
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Kristen Carter
Monday, July 9, 2007
Sunday, July 8, 2007
The cure for Artist's block:
Here in Michigan we have an amazing store called "Meijer." It's basically a really nice version of WalMart. It is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can buy beer, clean underwear, and pre-made canvas all in one stop.
When you find yourself sitting in front of the television at midnight, Sunday night, and suddenly remember you have a big project due tomorrow, no problem! Just run to Meijer for all your office supplies, and some Red Bull.
Whenever I can't decide what to paint I troll the isles of my local Meijer store. Often I find my inspiration in the produce department, but sometimes it's in books, home essentials, the garden center, or even hardware.
When nothing at home seems to inspire you, head out to your local Meijer. Get a hand dipped ice cream cone at the Purple Cow and wander around under the florescent lighting until that something crosses your path and gets your juices flowing again.
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Saturday, July 7, 2007
Friday, July 6, 2007
not having a job makes me want to paint
So I find myself in search of a new job since my current job is slowly crumbling. This makes me want to paint because I have lots of free time and it keeps me distracted. What kind of job should an art major apply for?It's scary out there. More importantly-who wants to hire an art major?Anybody, anybody?
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Kristen Carter
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Animal, Mineral, or Vegetable
Our theme for this coming week is "Animal, Mineral, or Vegetable." Look for three new pieces to be posted by the end of the day Sunday, July 8, 2007.
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Quarterlife Artists
European Vacation
"European Vacation"
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Kristen Carter